Friday, June 15, 2007

MacArthur Foundation: Virtual World Event on philanthropy on June 22nd

On June 22nd at 9:00 AM PST, Jonathan's avatar along with Second Life CEO Philip Rosedale will lead a discussion with residents on the role of philanthropy in virtual worlds.

I believe that the importance of virtual worlds may be less about their growth as economies, and more about their capacity for collaboration and human development. Activities in virtual worldsalready are supported by MacArthur and other foundations, but we have much to discover about the right role for philanthropy itself in virtual worlds.

We are interested in learning about virtual worlds and how to operate within them. We look to the residents to help us determine how to be helpful and are eager to share our on-going work in such areas as affordable housing, urban renewal, and human rights and international justice.

The details are here. There will be a live audio feed.

It will be interesting to see if Fanton's avatar looks just like him or something different.

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